Remarks by President Trump at the 2020 United States Military Academy at West Point Graduation Ceremony | West Point, NY


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Written by Stephanie Taylor, Style Director and President, Intelligent Luxury

West Point, New York is near my childhood home! Military weddings at West Point, New York are gorgeous ceremonies to love. Elegant wedding norms at West Point Academy. The United States Military Academy West Point is where President Trump spoke to graduates at their graduation ceremony.  College is a place where you can be secure, work at companies to learn new skills, and improve skills.   Meet good and nice people in college.    

Go to the big prayer.

"Today, each of you becomes another link in that unbroken chain, forged in the crucible known as the United States Military Academy, the greatest on Earth.  It has given you soldiers that you can rely on to your right and to your left.  And now we are entrusting you with the most noble task any warrior has ever had the privilege to carry out: the task of preserving American liberty. " - President Trump at West Point. 
