
Showing posts from June, 2020

The Line Drive: Derek Jeter. Sponsored by Michael Jordan's Restaurants.


Intelligent Luxury Starring Stephanie. Episode 61. Sponsored by Michael ...

Republic of Djibouti’s National Day

American Workforce Policy Advisory Board Meeting at The White House. Sponsored by Michael Jordan's Restaurants and Mercedes-Benz.

NYC Subway Stations Named After Medgar Evers College. Sponsored by Michael Jordan's Restaurants and Mercedes-Benz

Paul McCartney - The World Tonight (Dir: Alistair Donald)

Madagascar National Day

Intelligent Luxury Starring Stephanie. Episode 61.

Boldt Castle

Staatsburgh: A Hidden Gem on the Hudson

Staatsburgh: A Hidden Gem on the Hudson

HRVH.ORG - Hudson River Valley Heritage

Intelligent Luxury Starring Stephanie. Episode 59.

Freshkills Park will host its first-ever Discovery Week

Intelligent Luxury Starring Stephanie. Episode 58.

African American Civil Rights Network: President Trump stated that he Directed the Secretary of the Interior Byrne to Place the John Hope, Franklin Reconciliation Park on the African American Civil Rights Network


First Lady Melania Trump and Housing and Urban Development Secretary Dr. Ben Carson View the Charters of Freedom and the Emancipation Proclamation: Dresses with A- Line Skirts and 3/4 Sleeves

Governor Ralph Northam announced Friday, 20 newly approved state historical highway markers that address topics of national, state, and regional significance in Virginia’s African American history.