Greek Orthodox St. Nicholas Church's Rebuilding

Written by Stephanie Taylor
She is a White House Correspondent and Owner, Editor-in-Chief, and video host of Intelligent Luxury. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority scholarship awardee. Temple University is one of my alma maters - I attended several colleges in high school. 

"The rebuilding of St. Nicholas Church that was destroyed on September 11 is a moment of coming together and healing not only for the Greek Orthodox community but for all New Yorkers who lived through that horrific day," Governor Cuomo said. "This house of worship will serve as a reminder that our collective faith is something we can always count on to move past our painful memories and build a better tomorrow." 

Start a non-profit religious organization, if possible. A pretty church for pretty people like me. Visit a library or bookstore to learn how to start a non-profit religious organization.   Attorneys offer advice to people - they may charge a fee for legal advice - who desire to start a non-profit church.  Ask your state's bar association for  the name of a good attorney. 


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