Whole Foods Market @ Plymouth Meeting Mall

Written by Stephanie Taylor 
She is a White House Correspondent and Owner, Editor-in-Chief, and video host of Intelligent Luxury. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority scholarship awardee. Temple University is one of my alma maters - she attended several colleges in high school. She was the Jewelry Contributor at Engagement 101 magazine, a consumer bridal magazine. She also worked at a radio station in New York City. She plans literary events, fashion events, business events, and special events. She is single and waiting for a real man - a single or divorced man.

Shop at the Whole Foods Market at Plymouth Meeting Mall. I've visited this mall a long time ago!  Loved the mall! 

"Whole Foods Market is giving the greatest gift of all this season with its annual 12 Days of Cheese, highlighting an artisanal cheese each day from Dec. 12 through Dec. 23 and offering customers some of the highest-quality cheeses available at a generous discount, from artisans like 2019–20 World Cheese Award–winner Rogue Creamery. Each of the selected cheeses will be 50% off for one day only during the 12-day period," shared a Whole Foods Market representative with Intelligent Luxury. 



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