H.R. 5038 Farm Workforce Modernization Act of 2019

Written by Stephanie Taylor 
She is a White House Correspondent and Owner, Editor-in-Chief, and video host of Intelligent Luxury. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority scholarship awardee. Temple University is one of my alma maters - she attended several colleges in high school. She was the Jewelry Contributor at Engagement 101 magazine, a consumer bridal magazine. She also worked at a radio station in New York City. She plans literary events, fashion events, business events, and special events. She is single and waiting for a real man - a single or divorced man.

"To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to provide for terms and conditions for nonimmigrant workers performing agricultural labor or services, and for other purposes," stated the act.   This act is in the House! This act is necessary to keep immigrants who are employed by the agricultural industry on a farm, and their children, in the United States of America. They may also be able to receive benefits and a minimum wage from employers.
