Governor Cuomo Announces Javits Center Expansion to be Substantially Com...

Written by Stephanie Taylor
She is a White House Correspondent and Owner, Editor-in-Chief, and video host of Intelligent Luxury. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority scholarship awardee. Temple University is one of my alma maters - She attended several colleges in high school. She was the Jewelry Contributor at Engagement 101 magazine, a consumer bridal magazine. She also worked at a radio station in New York City.  She plans literary events, fashion events, business events, and special events. She is single and waiting for a real man - a single or divorced man.

Party planners, event planners find a maximum capacity information about an event venue in select cities on!  Celebrate the Javits Center's expansion con Governor Cuomo!   I love the Javits Center and especially the men and women who help event planners load supplies for trade shows!  Now, I actually traveled by subway to the center a few months ago!  I used to travel by foot to the Javits Center!  Laughter!  I pray for additional automobile parking garages! A nice brown leather jacket Governor Cuomo! Politicians have style too. 


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