Salmon River Fish Hatchery Open House

Salmon River Fish Hatchery Open House 

Altmar, Oswego County
DEC will hold the 23rd Annual Salmon River Fish Hatchery Open House and Family Day onSaturday, September 28, 2019, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission is free, and all are encouraged to attend.
DEC will lead tours of the facility throughout the day, providing attendees with behind-the-scenes access to the hatchery's inner-workings. The popular fish ladder will also be on display, offering the opportunity to view salmon as they migrate. Additionally, children will have the opportunity to learn how to cast a fishing rod, tie flies, participate in a laser shooting range, observe the aquatic life of Beaverdam Brook, and learn about rare and threatened fish species in New York State.

Source: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation


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