Senate Bill S6418 Amends the the Act in Reference to Small Business Opportunities, and Women and Minority Owned Small Businesses
Written by Stephanie Taylor, Intelligent Luxury's Editor-in-Chief and Sole Proprietor
Ease the process to earn contracts from the City of New York. Senator Kevin S. Parker sponsors Bill S6418 that helps small businesses conduct business with New York City. In the City of New York's Department of Design and Construction, the bill wants to create a mentoring program to help small businesses, especially minority - owned small businesses and women - owned small businesses. This bill was passed by the assembly in the New York state legislature, and is now in the New York State senate. Senator Kevin S. Parker is the Chairman of Committee on Energy and Telecommunications and a Democrat/ Working Families party member elected to the 21st Senate District in Brooklyn, New York.
"Section 2 amends section 311(i)(1) of the New York City Charter, which
currently allows the Procurement Policy Board to adopt rules for City
agencies to make procurements of goods and services for up to $150,000
from MWBEs without a formal competitive process. The amendments would
add construction procurements and raise the limit to one million
dollars." - New York State Senate Bill S6418
Ease the process to earn contracts from the City of New York. Senator Kevin S. Parker sponsors Bill S6418 that helps small businesses conduct business with New York City. In the City of New York's Department of Design and Construction, the bill wants to create a mentoring program to help small businesses, especially minority - owned small businesses and women - owned small businesses. This bill was passed by the assembly in the New York state legislature, and is now in the New York State senate. Senator Kevin S. Parker is the Chairman of Committee on Energy and Telecommunications and a Democrat/ Working Families party member elected to the 21st Senate District in Brooklyn, New York.
"Section 2 amends section 311(i)(1) of the New York City Charter, which
currently allows the Procurement Policy Board to adopt rules for City
agencies to make procurements of goods and services for up to $150,000
from MWBEs without a formal competitive process. The amendments would
add construction procurements and raise the limit to one million
dollars." - New York State Senate Bill S6418
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