- Italian - African Fusion

What is unique about Somalian cuisine?

"Somali cuisine is unique because historically we had so many influences from Italy, France, British, Portugal, India and Middleast.

Historically Somali had 3 different colonies Italian, British and France depending which part of Somali you come from.  I come from Mogadishu which was Italian colony.

We have reach Fusion food that is not known to the wider world.

Somali food is flavourful and uses unique blend of Italian herbs and African spices in their cooking.  We have variety of cuisines and condiments that you cannot find in this country.

I am mixed race Italian and Somali an I come front Foodies family that introduced me at early age how to cook and mix herbs and spices. My Italian grandmother was experienced chef and she thought me a lot about Italian cooking.

I grow up in Italy but summer time when school closes we used to go to Mogadishu with my Italian grandmother to see my other Somali grandmother. We used to take with as a lot of Italian herbs and then when we arrive in Mogadishu we used to cook and experiment mixing Italian herbs with Somali dried spices. Both my grandmothers never spoke each other languages but the only communication between them was food as they were very experienced cooks." - Saida 

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