Literature: Century Literature Style

Written by Stephanie Taylor, Editor-in-Chief
Intelligent Luxury 
Monday, March 25, 2019

Style in literature is important.  The classic novels, classic poems, and classic plays in bookstores share about character style.  Style in classic novels from the 1800's and the first half of the 190's is about dresses and suits. Men used to wear suits daily in the 1800's and an estimated half of the 1900's.

What is your ideal literature style. Literature describes style of the characters in the novel; or is described in poetry or non-fiction. Is the style of the characters the style of the century of the book's publication date? Is the style of the characters the style of a past or future century? 

Reading classic literature from bookstores is like reading a style encyclopedia of the past and the future.  Classic literature from Russia, the Middle East, the United Kingdom, Europe, and America describes the style of each character -- describing what the character wears in each novels chapter or each play's scenes.  The apparel of the character is important to the plot and the characters personality interpretation.  Style of each character in literature is imagined by us from a written description.