Travel to Wyoming! Travel to a Wine Festival. Travel to the University of Wyoming to Attend an African - American Women in Pageantry Panel Discussion!

Written by Stephanie Taylor

Travel to Wyoming.  In the state of New York it is common to tell a person that shares that they are traveling to Wyoming, "Who lives in Wyoming?" People live in Wyoming. People travel to Wyoming to socialize with the people that are the soul of America!  Wyoming prays that people travel to it's ranch state. I plan to drive a car in Wyoming to eat Cool Ranch Doritos and meet cattle ranchers!!!  Wyoming mailed me an official travelers journal that you should be able to order online on  I plan to include additional Wyoming events and travel destinations later!  Integration through business socialization is interesting sociological fieldwork.  Start a business in Wyoming to serve tourists! 

Float down the rivers in Wyoming! 

Events in Wyoming! 

Wild West Wine Festival in Sheridan, Wyoming

African-American Women in Pageantry

Friday, March 1: Panel discussion: “African-American Women in Pageantry,” UW College of Agriculture and Natural Resources auditorium, 4-6 p.m.

Yellow Stone National Park 

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