Intelligent Luxury's Stirstration: Sweet Green Pea Fresh Salad with Steak

Experimental recipe.  Change what you want to change. A green sauce for meat and fish.

Green Olives 1/2 Jar
Green Bell Peppers 1/2
Oregano 1 Tablespoon
Olive Oil 2 Tablespoons
Sweet Peas
Black Pepper 1 Tablespoons
Garlic Powder 2 Tablespoons
Onion Powder 5 Tablespoons
Apple Vinegar 1/2 Cup
Sweet India/Indian Relish 1 Cup
Minced Garlic in Olive in a jar.
Serves 1.

Dulce Verde Chicaro Fresco Ensalada Con Bistee
Verde Campana Pimienta
Oliva Aceite
Dulce Chicharos
Negro Pimienta
Aja Polvo
Cebolla Polvo
Manzana Vinagre
Dulce Salsa de Pepino
AjavPicar  en Oliva

Comida para una persona.

Cook olives on low, crush olives, and then add all other ingredients to a pan and cook on low until its a sauce. Add water if needed.  Cook your steak with Rufus Teague Fish Rub and mix in the pea salad, if desired. 

- Stephanie

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