President Barack Obama Speaks About His Future Role

President Obama's Vox interview at the Blair House with Mr. Klein focused on Obamacare and President Obama's future.

Mr. Ezra Klein asked President Barack Obama, on behalf of Ms. Sarah Kliff, about his role going forward. 

"Oh, my role going forward?  Well, look, I mean, I do deserve a little sleep.  And I’ve got to take Michelle on a vacation.  But I’ve said consistently that the most important office in a democracy is the office of citizen.  And I will be a citizen who still remembers what it was like when his mom died of cancer younger than I am now, and who didn’t have all the insurance and disability insurance and support, and wasn’t using the health care system enough to have early detection that might have prevented her from passing away...So that’s why the individual voice is so important.  And that’s why I’m so appreciative of journalists who actually know what they’re talking about. " 

--- President Barack Obama

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