New Jehovah's Witness Headquarters in Warwick, New York
Jehovah’s Witnesses finished the construction of their new world headquarters in Warwick, New York, in August 2016. In conjunction with the construction plan, the Witnesses have also completed the rehabilitation of the Blue Lake Dam, with the assistance of SUEZ Water New York Inc.
The repairs sealed the leak in the Blue Lake Dam or Sterling Forest Dam
“The dam was clearly leaking,” explains Jeffrey Hutchinson, park manager of Sterling Forest State Park at the time, “and if it decided to go, there could have been some serious consequences. All of the homes down at the Woodlands subdivision, or a majority of them, could have been wiped out.”
Robert R. Werner, president of The Woodlands at Tuxedo Homeowners Association, states: “It is clear to me that had Jehovah’s Witnesses not stepped up, this project would not have been done until a failure of the structure had occurred. If that had happened, we would have had potential loss of life and property.”
The Blue Lake Dam was built in 1956 on the eastern side of the lake. “In 2011, the Echo Lake Dam, located less than 30 miles from Blue Lake, failed and wiped out portions of the East Village in Tuxedo, New York,” comments Mr. Hutchinson.
Richard Devine, chairman of the Witnesses’ Warwick Construction Project Committee, explains: “We are happy that the dam rehabilitation project was successful, and we certainly appreciated the assistance from SUEZ Water. Our construction team shored up the dam, replaced the old, broken valve, added an auxiliary spillway, and raised and fortified the primary concrete spillway. The completion of the project ensures that the dam now meets the codes and industry standards for safety.”
Mr. Hutchinson sums up his overall view of the Witnesses and their work on the project: “You people do a lot of good for the local communities and help out where you can. Your construction quality is first-rate and environmentally conscious.”